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conner burns



   about conner





209 franklin street

natchez, ms 39120

(601) 446-6334
conner burns working on the final detail of a vase at a workshop

workshop details

workshop pricing:

one-day workshops and shorter (lectures etc) - please contact with specifics for pricing

two-day workshop - $1,100 plus expenses (travel, lodging, food, etc)

five-day workshop - $1,700 plus expenses (travel, lodging, food, etc)

longer workshops - are available, please contact conner with specifics for pricing

scheduling process:

1 - select a date that you would like conner to teach at your facility

2 - contact conner with that date - often the first choice works perfectly, but if it is scheduled, a suitable date is always found

3 - once a date and topic are finalized, conner will send you a simple agreement with the information on the workshop, a supplies list, and will list the workshop on his website

when should a workshop be scheduled?

There is no perfect time to schedule a workshop. Or maybe it is better said that - the perfect time to schedule a workshop is the date that you would like to have the workshop. Conner often schedules workshops a year or more in advance. Early scheduling is often preferable in order to schedule a particular date and to advertise the workshop. Although Conner usually schedules workshops more than a year in advance, he is open to scheduling workshops at any time.

burns pottery © 2006