altering wheel-thrown forms
ohr-o'keefe museum of art
biloxi, mississippi
sept 12-13, 2014
wheel throwing and altering in various manners in order to create more organic forms. wheel thrown vessels, slab components and more will be combined to form complete vessels. conner will demonstrate and discuss his processes. he will answer questions and will also show slides of his influences.
ohr-o'keefe museum of art
386 beach blvd
biloxi, ms 39530
artist roster show
july 20 - aug 31, 2014 …
mississippi arts commission
jackson, mississippi
the mississippi arts commission is hosting and exhibition of artists on the mississippi artist roster.

contemporary clay 2014
may 16 - june 21, 2014
western colorado center for the arts
grand junction, colorado
conner’s artwork titled - aged - was selected by juror jim romberg for the exhibition at the western colorado center for the arts -

tom peyton memorial
march 28 - april 6, 2014
alexandria, louisiana
conner’s artworks will be exhibited in the tom peyton memorial; showcasing exceptional art since 1967.

mississippi arts hour
interview with conner burns
december 1, 2013
conner burns is interviewed by larry morrisey for the mississippi arts hour on NPR / MPB radio. recorded in conner's studio, it airs december 1, 2013. it is available via podcast (itunes) or online. for additional information or to listen click here.
art of the cup:
functional comfort
ogden museum
of southern art
new orleans, louisiana
sept 6 - dec 15, 2013
an exhibition featuring the artwork of a variety of artists representing the cup form. the cup holds many forms and you will see a great variety at the exhibition.
nceca 2013
spinning earth gallery
houston, texas
march 19-22, 2013
an exhibition at the national conference including the artwork of - conner burns, danny meisenger, cathy broski and susan filley.
nceca 2013 - gallery expo
houston convention center
houston, texas
country roads article
natchez project 2010
announces fellowship artists
the 2010 natchez project fellowship is a project that gathers a small number of artists together in one studio and then provides time and space for artists to create. 2010 fellowship recipients are: mark chatterley, scott bennet and steven hill.
the natchez project fellowship artists will converge at the studio of conner burns on january 10th for a week of making artwork. on january 16th from 7-9pm at the gallery of conner burns the natchez project fellowship recipients will have an exhibition of their artwork and a peak into the creative process of the week.
the natchez project was created by conner burns to provide an environment in which a small number of artists could converge at his studio and be free of distractions to experiment and explore their own artwork as well as enjoy the company and learn from other exceptional clay artists. for additional information, click the link below.
craftsmen's guild of mississippi
conner burns becomes a fellow in the craftsman's guild of mississippi.
fellow status is an honor and means that conner burns will not longer be required to submit work every three years for acceptance to continue membership in the guild, but has been granted life membership status in the craftsmen's guild of mississippi.
upon receiving the award, conner expressed - "I am grateful for this honor by the Craftmen's Guild of Mississippi and I appreciate the work that the Guild performs in the state of Mississippi and across the nation."
river oaks exhibition
and louisiana college workshop
conner burns will exhibit his work in an individual exhibition at river oaks arts center in alexandria, louisiana.
conner will also teach a workshop at louisiana college in pineville, louisiana.
both the exhibition and the workshop are open to the public.
natchez project
announces 2009 fellowships
conner burns has announced the fellowship recipients for the natchez project 2009. cathy broski and danny meisinger have each been awarded a natchez project fellowship and will converge at the studio of conner burns on january 4th for a week of making artwork. on january 10th from 7-9pm at the gallery of conner burns the natchez project fellowship recipients will have an exhibition of their artwork and will give a brief gallery talk.
the natchez project was created by conner burns to provide an environment in which a small number of artists could converge at his studio and be free of distractions to experiment and explore their own artwork as well as enjoy the company and learn from other exceptional clay artists. for additional information, click the link below.
conner burns returns to hometown
of natchez in 2001
conner burns returns to his hometown if natchez, mississippi and sets up his studio.
burns pottery © 2006